The Basics Of Hair Repair

    Brett CrawCour of The Academi Salon.

    According to Brett CrawCour from the Academi Salon, hair, unlike our skin, hair does not heal itself, and you will need to take action to prevent further deterioration. As a result of chemical or mechanical damage, our hair needs ongoing attention and treatments to repair itself and look spectacular. Masterpieces need a solid foundation, and hair conditioning is that foundation.

    We readily accept that when filling a crack in the wall we need to make a paste with Polyfilla and water, which is then used to fill the cracks. Applying only Polyfilla powder into the cracks will not solve the problem at all as the Polyfilla powder will just fall out exposing the crack again. A chemical reaction between the required ingredients – Polyfilla and water – produces a paste that once hardened will remain structurally solid and continue to fill the crack.

    An often overlooked concept when treating our hair is that similar basics of repair apply. Applying a Protein treatment without hydration will have limited benefit as the combination of the two are required to chemically bind and provide a lasting benefit.


    Two main categories of damage result in our hair looking tired, flat, brittle or split:

    Chemical damage from tinting, perming, bleaching and highlighting.

    Mechanical damage from blow waves, flat irons, curling tongs, air conditioners and heaters.

    One size fits all solution?

    Your hair, just like you, is unique and its care requirements are also unique and may vary over time depending on your age and the amount of chemical and mechanical damage it’s been subjected to. 

    Hair education is key to making good decisions that will progressively build your hair condition over time – just like compound interest, where results build on themselves and accrue exponentially.

    Although there are fantastic products on the market (many of them stocked by The Academi), products by themselves are not magic wands that solve any and all problems. Care still needs to be taken in assessing and treating hair to regain its optimal condition. For example, too much protein is the same as not enough moisture (hydration), both will feel dry.  

    Your hairstylist really is the best person to assess your hair and to prescribe the appropriate protein/moisture balance within your hair care regimen. This is their area of know-how after all, so listen to them and ask for a product recommendation that will work for you.

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    The Academi Salon
    Brett CrawCour
    + (27) 084 3674247