Tips For Small Business Owners

Bill Anderson, founder of the Small Business Networking Group East Rand, says it’s hugely important for small business owners to keep abreast of new developments within their industry. Know what’s happening e.g. changes in legislation if you are a lawyer, new technology that will benefit your customer if you own an IT business, the latest trends in cake design if you own a bakery and so on.

Other tips:

Never stop learning. Competition is always tough, so how do you stand out from the crowd? Expertise is always sought after, so keep looking for ways to upskill. Take a course, follow leaders in your industry on social media or attend industry-related expo’s, launches and functions.

Experts say that in order to buy from you, people need to know, like and trust you. One of the best ways to achieve this is to provide valuable information. Use what you know to build your reputation as an expert in your industry. Create social media posts that give guidance or create a ‘how to’ video to share. Look for networking or business events where you can share your knowledge. If you have a website, write a blog.

Being a small business owner means you have to wear a number of hats. You are the salesperson, accountant, marketing manager and so on. If, for example, accounting is not your strong point, consider outsourcing this function to experts in that area. This way you can focus on what you do best and know that your accounts are up to date and in good order.

Ask for recommendations. There is nothing like proof that you do a good job to boost sales. When you complete a service, ask your customer if they would be prepared to give you a recommendation. Don’t forget to ask them if they are in agreement that you can use their recommendation on your website or Facebook page. Then go ahead and let the world know about your amazing service.

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