Bedfordview Athletics Club Hosts Successful Boroughs Of Bedfordview Run

Bedfordview Athletics Club hosted a 5km and 15km Boroughs Of Bedfordview run that took place between 24, 25 and 26 September. The route started and finished at the Bedfordview Country Club Grounds in Bedfordview.

Bedfordview Athletics Club Hosts Successful Boroughs Of Bedfordview Run

Participants from different running clubs could also run their own routes and submit their times through a link provided – there were over 700 participants. The event, powered by Afrihost, was timed to give participants that actual race feeling. Money from the event was raised for the Lambano Trust (R7600) and the Better Bedfordview initiative (R4050).

‘The Boroughs of Bedfordview was a brilliant success. Well done to everyone who took park in the race. We had a great turnout and some great times,’ said a statement from Bedfordview Athletics Club. ‘Races are the cherry on top – the journey is the training. Well done on getting up – even when it is tough – getting out there and getting your training in.’

Donald Mashamaite, the overall winner of Boroughs Of Bedfordview.

The Bedfordview Country Club top three overall runners include:
1. Donald Mashamaite: 53:55 – 3:36 average.
2. Professor Ncube: 56:46 – 3:47 average.
3. Grant Johnson: 57:33 – 3:50 average.

You can see the full results here.

Bedfordview Athletics