RAG Bedfordview Enhancing Security With Artificial Intelligence

Residents Action Group (RAG) in Bedfordview is enhancing its security service with artificial intelligence (AI) cameras and investment in the associated AI infrastructure for RAG’s control room.

RAG general manager Mark Morris said that RAG and Bedfordview Community Policing Forum (BCPF) were at the forefront of the introduction of License Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras to the area.

‘RAG members are ready to add AI capabilities to their security and we are working closely with our chosen partners to roll out our first AI solutions. We are committed to using the latest technology to keep our area safe. We were proud to be one of the first adopters of LPR cameras. We have since been investigating other security innovations that can increase residents’ safety and security,’ said Morris.

He explained that AI cameras and associated equipment is programmed to recognise potential threats, including suspicious people, vehicles and behaviour. ‘The systems can identify whether someone is male or female and whether their behaviour represents a security threat. It can differentiate between a dog walker and a man carrying a weapon, for example,’ he said.

Morris said, ‘AI security systems have become more advanced over time. They start to think for themselves, building databases of potential threats and reacting to new events accordingly. The systems actually ‘learn’. When it identifies a threat, an alert is sent to the security team, showing the suspicious event or people caught on camera.’ 

He said existing surveillance cameras in street enclosures and complexes can be enhanced with AI. ‘RAG will have the back-end AI infrastructure needed at our control room to support AI cameras in our area.’

RAG chairperson Marina Constas said that the group is constantly on the look-out for good technology and innovations that can help achieve its vision of a safer, cleaner and better Bedfordview. ‘As an NPO founded by the community, RAG’s reason for being is residents’ well-being. This is top of mind in everything that we do, from always choosing best-in-class equipment to adopting effective new technology that can benefit RAG members as soon as it becomes available.’

‘Investing in technology that can help us reduce costs while optimising our security service means that RAG can do more for our community, from more reaction vehicles on our streets to more Better Bedfordview clean-up campaigns. As an NPO, all of RAG’s profits go right back into our community,’ she said.
