Charities To Support: Epworth Children’s Village

Through professional services, the Germiston-based Epworth Children’s Village has become a ‘therapeutic community’, to remedy and rehabilitate the hurt, abused and damaged child.

The organisation complies with South Africa’s Children’s Act 38 of 2005 by employing a multi-disciplinary team of social workers, psychologists and occupational therapists to run effective therapeutic residential programmes. The programmes promote children’s all-round development by strengthening their emotional resilience and increasing their capacity for learning to adapt to a rapidly changing world.

Their Residential and Community Outreach Projects motivate students to enter higher education, increase self-confidence, cultural sensitivity and a sense of belonging and participation in their community. Their assessment and therapy centre assists disadvantaged learners from early development and continues through high school graduation.

Their five main programme areas include:

– Residential based therapy project.
– Deinstitutionalisation/reunification project.
– Assessment and therapy project.
– Early learning support project.
– Community education support project.
– Activities.

They have the vision to create a safe place for children to heal and grow and their driving force for each child is to ignite hope for a brighter future. The children’s home needs necessities to survive during this time. They are now able to receive donations via a secure online payment gateway. 

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