Flatten The Curve Challenge Gets People Fit And Gives Back To Charity

Closing down businesses and staying at home will #FlattenTheCurve, but for many, the lockdown is an economic disaster, so the Modern Athlete team thought of a way they could use their various platforms to do something to help others while we all fight the COVID-19 threat: the Modern Athlete Flatten The Curve Challenge.

We are now almost two weeks into the National Lockdown, and for many of us, it has been a time to connect, get to those DIY projects we have been putting off, and to do home workouts, all while keeping safe at home. But for some, it’s a time of enormous stress as the reality of no income for three weeks sinks in.

This is a challenge that every person can be part of, and the main aim is to help those severely affected by the lockdown, so 60% of each entry will go to FoodForwardSA, which is proactively helping those in dire situations due to these uncertain times.

What does this mean?

The power of community is what is going to get us through this challenging period, and so The Modern Athlete is launching an online community where everyone can get involved just by doing something. This challenge is not bound by sport type, nor by distance, as they want everyone to be involved, so they are asking you to do 30 minutes a day of anything you like.

You can go for a jog in the yard or on the treadmill, cycle on the indoor trainer, do a few lengths of the pool, or you can play with the kids, meditate if anxiety is high, do some yoga, or crank out some push-ups if that’s your groove. Anything is accepted, it’s up to you.

How does it work?

Once you enter the Modern Athlete Flatten The Curve Challenge, you will receive instructions on how to join the Modern Athlete Flatten the Curve Strava club.

How do I take part?

You simply choose do some form of activity every day for 30 minutes and load it to Strava, and your activity will automatically be synced to the club. You can sync Strava with your favourite fitness tracker, or you can log activities manually within the web/mobile app. And don’t stress if you don’t have a sport watch, as Strava allows manual uploads, to make it as inclusive as possible. 

What’s in it for me?

Things are more doable when you are motivated, so Modern Athlete have put the call out to all our partners for prizes and vouchers to give away in weekly challenges and as spot prizes. For starters, Mr Price Sport has come to the party with a voucher for all participants to use once the lockdown is lifted, and there is a whole lot more coming, so get in and get involved!

Can my business get involved?

Many small businesses have been negatively affected by the lockdown – Modern Athlete have had to make tough decisions about the way forward – and we all need to support each other through this time, so if any business would like to get involved with the challenge, drop them a line by clicking here.

What’s the cost?

The cost per entry is R100, of which 60% will be donated to FoodForward SA. The remaining 40% will be used to cover operational costs such as bank charges, website management costs and time of employees to manage the platforms. Enter here. 

Your entry fee includes:

  • Access to the Modern Athlete Flatten the Curve Challenge club on Strava.
  • A discount voucher from Mr Price Sport to be used when the Lockdown is lifted.
  • A 35% discount voucher from SirenSong Spritzers.
  • Digital Finisher’s Certificate when you complete the Challenge.
  • Competitions and spot prizes along the way – details to be announced weekly.

Modern Athlete are planning to make this as engaging as possible, so they will be posting ways you can get active, competitions the whole family can get involved in, tips on working out in small spaces and so much more.

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MODERN ATHLETE jason@modernathlete.co.za modernathlete.co.za