SABC And Department Of Basic Education Continue COVID-19 Learner Support Initiative

    SABC and the Department of Basic Education (DBE)’s COVID-19 learner support initiative aims to limit the impact of the lockdown on the school calendar.

    The multimedia learner support initiative, the SABC and the DBE said in a joint statement, is part of the broader efforts to prevent the total loss of the school year, since the lockdown was announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa.

    The educational programme is being broadcast across three SABC TV channels and 13 radio stations, with online support. ‘The series provides curriculum support lessons to learners in Grades 10, 11 and 12 and Early Childhood Development (ECD). Some of the subjects covered include Maths, Physical Sciences, English First Additional Language, Life Sciences and Accounting. A variety of African languages are also covered under the ECD basket,’ read the statement.

    The SABC and the DBE said the initiative is also launched in anticipation of the mid-year exams, which were scheduled for June 2020. ‘The campaign will be providing learners with relevant support material they need in order for them to walk into those exam rooms knowing they have received the support and information they need to tackle the exams with confidence.

    The SABC and the National Department of Basic Education created the campaign to be the daily source of information and the central shared hub for learner support. ‘We invite learners to take full advantage of these resources, as we believe they will assist learners to catch up with their school work and better prepare for the upcoming exams in the year,’ said SABC chief operating officer, Ian Plaatjes.

    This multimedia initiative is supported by an online YouTube channel. ‘If we learn by repetition, learners will have ample opportunity to watch the content as many times as they want,’ Plaatjes said.

    ‘Our learners need all the support they can get in order to continue learning at home, as schools are closed because of the pandemic. We should all do our best to minimise the impact of the disruptions caused by the crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic,’ said Mathanzima Mweli, the director-general of the Department of Basic Education.

    The TV Schedule is as follows:

    SABC 1: Mon – Sun 05h00 – 06h00
    SABC 2: Mon – Fri and 09h30 -11h00
    SABC 3: Mon – Fri 06h00 – 07h00

    The radio slots are as follows:


    Time slot Week Day

    Umhlobo Wenene FM

    14:30 – 15:00

    Thobela FM

    17:00 – 18:00

    Phalaphala FM

    13:30 – 14:00

    Munghana Lonene FM

    14:30 – 15:00

    Ukhozi FM

    21:00 – 22:00

    Lesedi FM

    16:15 – 16:45

    Ligwalagwala FM

    09:10 – 09:40

    Motsweding FM

    19:00 – 19:30

    Ikwekwezi FM

    10:30 – 11:00

    Radio Sonder Grense

    19:30 – 20:00

    Tru FM

    09:00 – 11:00

    X-K FM

    09:30 – 10:00

    Radio 2000

    11:30 – 12:00

    The schedule for the broadcast of the lessons is also available on the DBE website as well as social media platforms. You can tune in to any of the listed radio stations and TV stations to benefit from the programmes that have been prepared for the children and their parents or guardians.

    To Catch-Up on the online learning channel, browse the DBE Catch up channel on YouTube below:

    DBE Learning Tube (Resource Playlist hosting all DBE videos)

    DBE Learning Tube – SABC 2 On-Demand (Playlist displaying OnDemand schedule on S2).

    DBE Learning Tube – SABC 3 On-Demand (Playlist displaying OnDemand schedule on S3).

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