The Learning Co. Gives Free Extra Lessons To Deserving Learner

The Learning Co. Gives Free Extra Lessons To Deserving Learner

Edenvale-based The Learning Co. is making a difference with their new initiative to offer free extra lessons to one learner, who does not have the financial means for extra lessons, for a full year.

This year, they are tutoring a student from Alexandra who failed matric in 2020. The student recently rewrote papers in mathematics and science, and the The Learning Co is hoping their assistance will help her to pass matric. However, the team will continue to assist her should she fail again.

The Learning Co. offers online tutorial classes to help children stay ahead of the academic year. The private tutoring business offers subjects ranging from primary right through to high school. They cover all primary school subjects and grades.

Subjects covered:

– Mathematics (Grades 1-12).
– English (Grades 1-12).
– Physical Sciences (Grades 8-12).
– Life Sciences (Grades 8-12).
– Accounting (Grades 8-12) .

The Learning Co.
082 870 2080